Little Athletics Tasmania

Little Athletics Tasmania

Parent Education Courses


The parent education course conducted by the T.L.A.A. in conjunction with Centre Education Officers, is designed to fill a multiple role in the life of the little athletic parent, who is called upon to assist in officiating at Club, Centre or State level.

This course is aimed at giving basic knowledge of track and field events in the aspect of understanding rules, guidelines, and setting up of field sites.  The safety aspects for both the officials and athletes will also be covered.  Education areas will include track, throwing, jumping and administration.

The procedures are:

“D Grade” Official

a)         Completed the official TLAA test paper and been deemed competent.

Please note:

This will qualify the official for centre official duties, “D” grade certificate will be issued.  An individual must be aged 16 years or over to be eligible to be an Official.

“C Grade”  Official 

a)    Completed the official TLAA test paper and been deemed competent (part ’ D’ Grade qualification).

b)    Must have conducted at State or Regional Meeting or TLAA sanctioned meeting and been deemed competent.

Please note:

This will qualify the official for State and Regional official duties.  “C” Grade certificate will be issued. An individual must be aged 16 years or over to be eligible to be an Official.


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