Little Athletics Tasmania

Little Athletics Tasmania


What is Little Athletics?

Little Athletics is a uniquely Australian sport for children aged 5 - 15 years. As the name suggests, it is based upon the sport of athletics (track and field) and the events are specially modified to suit the ages and abilities of children. A wide range of running, jumping, throwing and walking events are conducted.

Little Athletics is the Foundation for all Sports. It offers young people activities and skills that will stand them in good stead for the future.

Each each in Tasmania approximately 2,400 boys and girls enjoy the activities that Little Athletics has to offer.

The track and field based competition is conducted throughout the summer sports season. Events are conducted on a weekly basis by one of our 19 individual Centres. Events vary slighly according to the age group, but basically consist of: 

70m, 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m, Hurdles

Shot Put, Javelin, Vortex, Turbo Jav, Long Jump, High Jump, Triple Jump

During the winter months, cross country is conducted in the North and South of the State.


Tiny Tots

Centres may offer the Tiny Tots Program for children between the ages of 3 and 5.  This program is optional and no Centre will be compelled to offer the program.



The philosophy of the Little Athletics movement is summed up in the slogan -"Little Athletics...for...Family...Fun...and...Fitness"

One of the basic reasons for the continued development and enthusiasm generated by Little Athletics has been the attempt to meet the needs of children as part of the family unit. Little Athletics is more than a sport. It is a community orientated organisation which enables the entire family to do something together. Parents are involved in the program as voluntary helpers or officials. They share in many experiences with the children.

Little Athletics provides a vital communication bridge between parent and child. This link can have benefits far beyond the years spent in the Centre. Society has, increasingly, produced subtle and damaging pressures on family and community relationships. The family concept approach to programming counteracts those pressures.

All children like fun... All children need fun. The weekly competition provides fun through participation in an enjoyable sport, with friends in the same age group.

The community has become increasingly aware of the value of physical fitness, particularly in the fight against obesity. A fit body can mean an alert mind and a decrease in the incidence of many physical ailments.

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