Little Athletics Tasmania

Little Athletics Tasmania

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Little Athletics? 
It is a uniquely Australian junior sport centred on modified track and field events.  Depending on age, children take part in such events as: sprints, middle distance, racewalking, hurdles, jumps (long jump, high jump, triple jump), throws (shot put, discus, javelin).  More information on the events can be found in the Events and Specifications section on this site.

Who can participate in Little Athletics?
Children between the ages of five (5) and fifteen (15) years can register. Parents, Grandparents and friends can also be involved by helping with the various events.

When does it happen?
Little Athletics is primarily a summer activity, running from September through to March. Some Centres also conduct cross-country and road walk events during the winter months.  The Association currently conducts a combined Northern and a combined Southern Cross Country Competition.

Where does it happen?
In Tasmania there are 19 Little Athletics Centres. Each of these Centres conduct weekly activities at local venues. With so many Centres, there is sure to be one near you!

How much does it cost?
Registration fees vary greatly from one Centre to the next, depending upon the costs of running that Centre. Generally, fees will range from between $60 to $100 per child, for the full season. Contact your local Centre to find out their registration fees for the current season.

How do I get involved?
If you would like to take part in Little Athletics, you need to register with your local Centre. Contact details may be obtained by contacting the Tasmanian Little Athletics Association –  You can also check to see if there is a Centre near to you, by clicking here.

What age group will I be in?
Age groups are determined by the year and month of birth.  Click on the Age Group Calculator to determine the age group you are in.

NB.  Contact your nearest Centre to find out if they offer activities for Tiny Tots.

Can I try Little Athletcs before joining? 
Yes, all Centres allow new families a 2 week trial period.

Do I have to be good to compete?
No. Our motto is "family, fun and fitness", with the emphasis on doing your best. You can join with any level of skill or fitness.

What is expected of my parents?
Because Little Athletics is a totally voluntary organisation, Centres cannot operate without the assistance of parents each week in fulfilling the many and varied duties required. These include officiating at an event, managing an age group, recording results, working in the canteen, to name just a few. Little Athletics is one of the few sports where parents can become fully involved in their child’s sporting interests. There are always plenty of experienced parents and officials on hand to answer any questions you may have.

Will I get any medals/trophies?
The TLAA run award schemes to encourage athletes to "BE THEIR BEST". They can be based upon:

  • your performance
  • your improvement
  • your participation

Trophies, Medals, Ribbons and Certificates are usually awarded for the above mentioned categories. All Centres also run Centre Championships.

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