St Albans Safety Tips

There was a serious accident on the back straight at the Powerade Games; where one of the ASA officials, ended up in hospital. Accidents will happen, but this incident should serve as a timely reminder for us all to take care when at St Albans Reserve (or Santos Stadium).

  • Look both ways before crossing the running track. This will ensure you don't get run into, or interrupt an athletes training.
  • When you finish a run, step off of the running track straight away. Another athlete may be running down the track.
  • Always rake the jumping pits before use. It is not known what potential nasties may lie beneath the sand surface.
  • Always check the throwing field before throwing an implement. St Albans Reserve is a public oval and members of the community often wander across the oval.
  • Always check the throwing circles before entering the throwing arena. Once a thrower has commenced their throw, they cannot see people who wander into the throwing field.
  • Watch the hammer circle when you are running down the back straight or when you are using the jumping pits. Hammers at Enfield Harriers fly for over 70m and due to the rotational nature of the event the hammer will not always go down the middle or wires will break. Hammers can easily land on the back straight or jumping pit run ups. If you get hit by a hammer, it will cause serious damage.
  • Never train close to a throwing cage as a hammer or a discus can go through the cage.
  • When training in the gym, ensure all safety bars are in place. Never lift heavy weights alone.
  • As Safe Sid always says : "Slip, Slop, Slap" to keep sun smart.
  • In the warmer months drink water to remain hydrated
  • Report any incidents or near misses to a coach or committee member.

Keep safe and enjoy your athletics!