SPORTSMEDSA's Sports Workshop

Dear Athletes, Sport Trainers, Coaches, Officials and Parents of junior athletes,
Please find attached an invitation to SPORTSMED·SA's sport workshop: 'Foot Mechanics and Injuries in Sport' on Monday March 26th at 7:30. Run by SPORTSMED·SA's experienced sports podiatrist, this workshop will provide tips on how to avoid foot injuries and how to manage them if they do occur. You will also have the chance to learn more about selecting the best shoes for you and your sport including a shoe display by Joggers World.
It would be greatly appreciated if you could circulate this invitation to any club members, colleagues, family and friends who may be interested in attending.
I hope to see you there,
Janine Jenkins
Public Relations Manager



Stepney Branch

32 Payneham Road

Stepney SA 5069

T (08) 8363 2435

F (08) 8362 0071

M 0418 855 321


Attachment:  Foot Mechanics and Injuries