Gym Completion

As you are aware our club has fantastic facilities that are among the best in the state. This is due to the hard work of past and current committee members and volunteers. Due to this hard work our numbers attending the gym are increasing all the time. Having a variety of gym equipment available to all athletes and gym users is a huge incentive and this variety is something we are aiming to increase. As you may or may not have seen, the shed/storage area is home to additional gym equipment that requires a little bit of TLC. This is where your help is needed. What is required you ask?

We need volunteers to help clean up weight plates ready for reassembling equipment. This will also be a chance to tidy up the shed/storage area, making accessing the equipment a lot easier. Completing this task will provide the Enfield Harriers gym with a dedicated cable based leg workout area including: leg extension, standing hamstring curl, face down hamstring curl, leg press and lat pull down. If you are able to help out with the reassembly process or would like to get more information, please let Amelia know (who is coordinating the effort) on 0425887007 or email

We are aiming to have the process completed by March, so looking forward to hearing backfrom all you eager helpers. And just a reminder that helping out the Club can make you eligible for club fee rebate (please see website for information).
