The Enfield Harriers Athletics club is supporting Movember. Our Team “Steel Mos” will be supporting mens health and raising money for the cause. To do this we need your Mo-nations.


Steel Mos consists of:


Matthew Staunton - Curly Mo

Darren Billett - Little Mo

Wayne Willis - The Mo

Leon McNamara - Gray Mo

Lauren Foote - Mo Sista

Russell Foote - IWanna Mo

Norm White - Stormin Mo


Steel Mos will be growing moustaches this year for Movember.  We have decided to put down our razors for one month (November) and help raise awareness and funds for men's health - specifically prostate cancer and depression in men.


What many people don't appreciate is that close to 3,000 men die of prostate cancer each year in Australia and one in eight men will experience depression in their lifetime - many of whom don't seek help. Facts like these have Enfield Harriers Athletics convinced that we should get involved and we are hoping that you will support us.


To sponsor my Mo and Steel Mos, you can either:


*    Click this link and donate online using your credit card or PayPal account

*    Write a cheque payable to 'Movember Foundation', referencing my Registration Number 309442 and mailing it to: Movember Foundation, PO Box 292, Prahran, VIC, 3181


Remember, all donations over $2 are tax deductible.


Movember is now in its sixth year and, to date, has achieved some pretty amazing results by working alongside The Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCFA) and beyondblue: the national depression initiative. Check out further details at:


If you are interested in following the progress of my Mo, click here Also, has heaps of useful information.



The Mo-event of the year will be at the next EH Throw Mo competition – November 26. Come along to support the Mo’s and to also watch some athletic competition. EH Mo will start from 6pm and will be conducted at the Enfield Harriers Club Grounds, St Albans Reserve, Chester Ave, Clearview.