Policy And Rules


Sunbury Little Athletics Centre has adopted the following Lifestyle policies:

Smoke-Free Policy Little Athletics  Victoria and the Sunbury Centre are aware that smoking endangers health and believes that all Little Athletics venues and functions should be smoke-free.

Sun Protection Policy.  Little Athletics Victoria and the Sunbury Centre are aware that children are especially susceptible to the sun?s rays and that skin cancer can be prevented.

Healthy Food Choice Little Athletics Victoria and the Sunbury Centre acknowledge that healthy eating can have an impact on the lives of our members, and that provision of healthy foods will contribute to better health for all.

Responsible Alcohol Management.  Little Athletics Victoria and the Sunbury Centre are aware that alcohol, when misused, can cause harm to the drinker and others. A responsible drinking policy has been adopted so as to reduce risks and avoid problems.



Only designated officials and athletes are permitted on the arena during the running of any program.

All athletes must wear appropriate footwear for all events, including the appropriate use of spikes (under 12-15). Bare feet are not permitted.

Any athlete abusing the above rule shall not be permitted to wear spikes for the remainder of the day's competition.  A second breach will see the offending athlete barred from using the spikes for the remainder of the season.

The Chief of Officials has the discretion to disqualify any athlete who is behaving inappropriately from competing in an event/s.

On completion of an event, unless otherwise directed, all athletes MUST report to the centre recorder.

Any general complaint regarding any operation of the Centre will only be heard if made in writing and received by the Centre Secretary by the Wednesday following the matter of concern.

Any athlete running late for an event will not be permitted to compete unless delayed by another event.

All athletes must wear the age group label attached to the front of their singlet or T-shirt.

No official will be permitted to judge/measure at field events whilst their child is competing.



Sunbury Little Athletics Centre has a safety plan  based on the Little Athletics Victoria safety plan, in an endeavour to ensure the safety of athletes, officials, parents & spectators during competition at Sunbury Little Athletics. 


Sunbury Constitution

 Safety Plan1.pdf