Grill'd Awesome Action Award


As part of our involvement in the 'Local Matters'competition at Grill'd Springfield that the RAP Team (Karen) organised at the end of 2017, Grill'd Springfield have donated a number of vouchers for free burgers.

The RAP Team has introduced a Grill'd AWESOME ACTION Award as a way to distribute these vouchers to members of our hockey community.

We are asking you to nominate AWESOME ACTIONS i.e. great displays of sportsmanship/good deeds etc. by completing a nomination form and then dropping it into the white box that will be on the front counter of the TRIDAN Shed.  Nomination forms will also be available at the shed.  Then, each month, we will draw out the winner/s and reward them for their AWESOME ACTION!

If you have any suggestions or questions about this new award, please don't hesitate to conact Andrea (Andy) Welsh - RAP Team Coordinator:

Click HERE to download the nomination form