Blue Mountains Athletics

Springwood Athletics

General Information

Constitution & By Laws

A copy of the Club's registered Constitution and local By-Laws is available for download in Acrobat pdf format:


By Laws - Updated July 2012


The Club typically has over 300 registered members each season. This is made up of around 225 Little Athletes and 100 senior members. Teams are normally seperated into Boys and Girls teams. If the numbers in teams are particularly low (which is not usually the case), teams may be combined.

LA Age Teams

Little Athletes age groups cover the ages of Under 6 to Under 17.

Eligibility for each age team is based on each athlete's age as at midnight on the 30th of September each year. This is the rule applied by the Little Athletics Association of NSW (LAANSW).

As an example, if you are 10 years old on 30 September, you will be included in the Under 11 team. If you turn 11 on or after 1 October you will still be in the Under 11 team for the season. If however you turn 11 on or before 30 September, you will be in the Under 12 team for the season.


Tiny Tots

3 and 4 year olds are also able to participate in Saturday morning competition as Tiny Tots. The tots do about an hour of fun activities designed to develop the fundamental skills of running, jumping and throwing through "appropriate" activities for 3-5 year olds. Emphasis is not on competition but on the development of young children and this is incorporated in play and relatively unstructured games. There are no times, places or measurements recorded for Tiny Tots.

The minimum age for Tiny Tots is 3 years as at the 30th of September and uniforms are optional.


Seniors Teams

Seniors teams cover the age groups of Under 16, 18, 20, Opens, and Masters. Masters are organised into 10 year age groups starting at 30-39's at the club level (In State competition 5 year age groups are used). For Seniors teams, your team is determined by your age during each calender year. This means that some athletes may move to older age groups from 1 January every 2nd year.

As an example, if you are 16 or 17 at the start of the 2001-2002 summer season, you will be in the Under 18 age group at the start of the season. If you turn 18 in calender year 2002 (any date from 1 January 2002 onwards), you will move to the Under 20 age group from 1 January 2002.

It is important to note that this rule is applied by Athletics NSW, and any senior athletes who compete in Athletics NSW competitions (in addition to our club competition) must take care to register in their appropriate age groups.



Club uniforms must be worn at all competitions. Uniforms are available for purchase from the club, and can be arranged by contacting the club's Uniforms Officer.

Registration numbers (comprising a competitor number, an age patch, and a club number) are supplied to all registered athletes and must be fixed to uniforms as follows:

Registration (competitor) number on the centre of your chest. Age patch on the bottom-front of the left leg of your shorts. Club number (also known as your ""Centre Number"")on your back. For singlets it must be on the centre-back of the singlet. For lycra/two piece uniforms it can be located on the back of your briefs (permanently) or pinned to the back of your top for temporary placement.

Appropriate footwear must be worn. Spikes must only be worn during appropriate races and jumping events, and must be removed immediately after for safety reasons.

Spikes are not to be worn by age groups lower than Under 9, again for safety reasons.

Comp. Times

Little Athletics competitions are held each Saturday at Tom Hunter Park. A warm-up session commences at approximately 8.15am and competition commences at 8.30am. The 3000m and walks commences at around 7.45 am. There are 4 weekly programs which rotate throughout the season. These are available from the Programs menu.


Seniors and Masters compete on Friday evenings from 7pm and use a 3 weekly program. Please be there at 6:40pm to assist with setup.

Ground Layout:

Ground Layout




If weather or other conditions require that that a competition day be cancelled, we will try to have a notice posted on the Homepage as soon as cancellation is confirmed. This applies to routine Friday/Saturday club programs, as well as other annual events (eg Zone Championships, Regionals etc). There will be occasions when this will not be possible.

If necessary, additional information will be placed on the on the Home page and in the Cancellations page.


Details of regular training sessions provided by the club are available through the co-ordinators - see the committee page for information on how to contact the coaching co-ordinators.

Zone Championships

Blue Mountains Zone Championships are held annually. These are part of the Little Athletics Association NSW (LAANSW) program.

Under 6 teams do not compete at Zone. All athletes from Under 7 teams and older are eligible to participate in up to 4 events (total), however there is also a limit of 4 athletes from each club per event. It is therefore necessary for your Team Manager to work with you to ensure as fair a distribution of events as possible.

Every effort will be made to enter athletes in their preferred events, however that may not always be possible. As a general rule, athletes will be nominated in their strongest events as a first pass, before adjustments are made to provide a reasonable distribution across each team.

If you don't want to attend the Zone Championships, or will be unable to attend for other reasons, please notify your Team Manager as soon as possible so your places can be redistributed to others your team.

Your Team Manager will provide details of the Zone Program as soon as possible, and we will also make it available on this club web-site.

Regional Championships

Under 6 and 7 teams do not compete at Regional level.

Medalists (first 3 placegetters) from Under 8 teams and older in each event at the Zone Championships are eligible to compete in this competition.

State Championships

Under 6, 7 and 8 teams do not compete at State level.

Medalists at Regional Championships from Under 9 teams and older will be eligible to compete at the State Championships which will be held in March at Sydney Athletic Centre, Homebush Bay.

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