Wimmera Hockey Association
Welcome to the official website of the Wimmera Hockey Association Inc.
On this website you will find an outline of the WHA, as well as information regarding WHA registration, WHA contacts, historical information, Hockey Victoria information and more.
You will be able to register on-line and update your information as necessary, from March 2014. This is now mandatory for ease of registration and to help keep accurate and up-to-date member records.
WHA would like to thank Hockey Victoria for helping set up this website and providing access to a world of hockey information and sharing.
WHA hopes you find this website useful and informative, and user-friendly. The WHA looks forward to providing information that will benefit and compliment the hockey season.
If you are a potential new member we would particularly hope you find this website helpful.
Some of this website is a work-in-progress, so please bear with us as we endeavour to add detail and information.
WHA Executive Team