David Moore

Now aged in his later forties, David commenced his athletics career in 1973 with Sandy Bay as summer conditioning for football mostly in the sprints!!

David set out on his walking career with his first race in December 1974.  Under the guidance of former British Olympian, Albert Johnson, David improved rapidly and by mid 1976 represented Tasmania in the 20km walk but improvement stalled after a knee operation later that year.

David’s best performances were in the early to mid 1980’s  as a member of Northern Suburbs where he won the bulk of his state titles, established records and represented Tasmania in events ranging from 3000m track through to the more arduous 50km on the road.

David says that the best moments in his Race Walking career have been - his first 20km race in 1976 - co-coaching Ricky Cooke to Australian representation  in the 50km event at the 1991 World Walking Cup and his return to the 20km event after a 19 year  break  in last year’s Federation event in Melbourne where he won the handicap section.

David says that some of the lighter moments  of his 30 plus years in walking have been - being attacked by plovers in the middle of a State title - falling over in front of a Mercury photographer during a road race (embarrassing photos) - trying to walk with borrowed shoes that were 4 sizes too big  (looked an absolute clown) and finally, taking his small terrier to Masters races on the track only to discover she had slipped her lead  halfway during the race (it took ages to find her).

David also has made and is continuing to make a major contribution to our Club and his a sources of knowledge that he will share.   

In addition to walking, David also sets forward to undertake a role as a walk judge.