Bolting to 19.19

21 Aug 2009

You heard it here first.  Usain Bolt just ran 19.19seconds for the 200m, to break his own world record.

He sliced the same amount off the record that he did in the 100m earlier this week - .11seconds.

For most people, running faster makes you strain and tighten up.  While Bolt strained in the final 60m of tonights race, he didn't tighten up - he went faster.  But like Ricky Ponting playing a cover drive, it looked simple.

Bolt's reaction time of .133 was the best in the field by a long shot and his lead only increased from there.  Impressively though, it was collectively the fastest 200m ever, with the first 5 men breaking 20seconds. 

On a night in the 1936 Olympic stadium in Berlin when the crowd was a complete sellout, they got what they came for.  It helped that German glamour girl of the high jum, Ariane Friedrich was a hot favourite in the dual with defending champion, Blanka Vlasic of Croatia.  Although she lost the dual, I am sure the crowd will leave feeling as though they got their money's worth, thanks to phenomenon that is Bolt.

Sure it was dissapointing that the defending champion, Tyson Gay didn't make it to the startline after suffering an injury in the 100m, but I think he would have been outclassed. 

Bolt was seen in the warm up area and call room joking around and playing up to the camera's, in his usual casual fashion.  It is all part of the package you get when you witness the greatest sportsman in the world doing his thing.

He celebrated with the championships mascot, Belino, the cute and cuddly bear.  Together they pulled his famous 'bolt arms' salute, before he went over to one of many clocks in the Olympic Stadium to have the traditional world record pose.

It was the first time we have really seen the Jamaican grimace.  100m seems to come so easily to him, but the 200m is tougher.  No one is going to blame him for gritting his teeth however, we simply thank him for making humans go so fast.

Richard Welsh,

Live in Berlin