Tasmanian Road Walks Team Announced

07 Aug 2009

Athletics Tasmania has selected a strong team to travel to NSW, on August 29/30 for the 2009 Australian Road Walks Championships.

Headlined by TIS athlete Daniel Coleman, the team includes;

Open Men – 20KM Daniel Coleman - OVA

U/14 Male 3KM - Louis Rose - OVA

U/14 Female 3KM  – Sophie Eberhardt – OVA

U/14 Female 3KM  – Emma Walker - WS

U/14 Female 3KM  – Rachelle Taylor – WS

Selectors have also picked a team of walkers to head to the Australian Federation Championships.  The team is;

U/12 Male 2KM  Jack Wright

U/12 Female – 2KM  Jemma Smith

U/12  Female – 2KM Tahlia Hunt

U/12 Female - 2km Fiona Smith


Team manager will be Rosemary Coleman.