Sponsorship Announcement - SKINS & Athletics Tasmania

06 Aug 2009

Athletics Tasmania is excited to announce a new partnership as of today, with SKINS.


SKINS are an industry leader in gradient compression performance equipment and are constantly pushing the research boundaries to bring new products to the market.


As part of the three year agreement, SKINS will provide members of the Europcar AT/TIS Development Squad with compression garments, to aid their training sessions and recovery.  This squad is a select group of 41 of the best Under 20 aged track & field athletes in Tasmania.  Now in its fourth year, the squad has produced multiple medallists at a national level, as well as many new state record holders.  Several members of this squad including Hamish and Huw Peacock, who have both represented Australia in various underage events in recent years and have now progressed to be TIS scholarship holders.


TIS State Track & Field Coordinator Peter Fortune was proud that the program he helped developed in 2006 is now gathering momentum and securing corporate sponsorship, from the likes of Europcar and now SKINS.  “This squad is nurturing the next generation of headline makers in Tasmanian track & field.  Any assistance they can pick up along the way, such as compression garments from SKINS, is fantastic in helping them to achieve their goals.  Wearing these new SKINS products should also serve as a reminder the importance of recovery in their training.”


He went on to say how perfect SKINS products are in the Tasmanian climate.  “Given the current cold snap we are facing in Winter, these products will also help keep our athletes warm while training.”


SKINS have also partnered with the Cadbury Marathon and will establish the SKINS Recovery Centre at the finish line, on Sunday January 10, 2010.  Running a marathon or a half marathon is a gruelling task and to help participants recover as soon as possible, SKINS will have expert massage therapists available at the finish line to provide a treatments, along with a collection of SKINS garments to learn about.  SKINS will also provide product for placegetters in the Cadbury Marathon and Cadbury Half Marathon, along with various spot prizes.


Race Director for the Cadbury Marathon Richard Welsh said the partnership with SKINS was perfect for the Cadbury Marathon.  “Distance running is really tough and everyone who takes part in the events at Cadbury on January 10, will feel sore the next day.  By getting a massage, having an ice bath or wearing SKINS after their run at the SKINS Recovery Centre, participants will be doing everything they can to walk freely the next day!  The Skins Recovery Centre would not be possible without the generous support of SKINS and we look forward to working with them in the years to come.”


For more information on SKINS, checkout skins.net.