Tasmanian Athletics Coaches and Officials Recognised

17 Jun 2009

Tasmanian Athletics Coaches and Officials Recognised



Mike Pace has been selected as the top athletics coach in Tasmania for 2008-09.


Athletics Tasmania, in conjunction with the Tasmanian Branch of the Australian Track and Field Coaches Association has announced that the Hobart insurance broker is to be the inaugural recipient of the Max Cherry Memorial Award for Coach of the Year.


The Award was re-named in honour of the State's most renowned athletics coach following his passing in April last year.


Pace and his athletes had a wonderful season with newcomer Melanie Daniels springing a major surprise by winning the Australian 3000 metres championship whilst evergreen Grant Page was inspired to personal bests at 800m and 1500m, and a new state record at 3000m.


Pace prevailed in an outstanding field of nominees, which included co-finalists Evan Peacock, Wayne Holt and Craig Hicks.


Two new awards instituted during the season were also keenly contested.


Brendan Hanigan has converted the skills and knowledge gained as an international representative over many years to guide a dedicated band of young athletes, and is recognised as the winner of the Emerging Coach Award, ahead of Wim Vaessen and Jy Webb.


Outstanding work in developing and delivering education courses for fellow coaches resulted in the selection of Darrel Harington as the recipient of the Contribution to Coaching Award, from fellow finalists, Fay Denholm, Mike Gunson and Max O'Toole.


AT has also announced that three outstanding contributors to the sport at grass roots level will receive the Association's Merit Award for 2009.


Coach Peter Turnock, starter Jim Morgan and national technical official Shaun Wilson have each provided valuable service to club, branch and state athletics in Tasmania for more than 15 years.


Turnock who also turns his hand to club administration with Eastern Suburbs and officiating with Athletics South, plays an effective role as a club and squad coach whilst Morgan is also well known for his role in setting up equipment for schools and club meets at Hobart's Domain Athletic Centre.


Wilson was one of the youngest officials in the country when he began his time with the sport in the early 1990s and has since risen to become a key member of the national officiating panel as a technical manager and photo finish judge.


The awards will be formally presented at Athletics Tasmania's Annual General Meeting to be held in Ross this Sunday (21 June 2009).