Day 1 of 2009 Tasmanian Championships Review

02 Mar 2009

Day 1 of the Tasmanian Track & Field Championships took place in St Leonards today and Tristan Thomas beat the World 400m Hurdles Champion in Sydney.


Gareth Jubb and Abby Chapman won the titles of fastest Tasmanian’s, with victories in the 100m final.  Both athletes have performed well in professional races this season with victories in TAL events, now capped off with Tasmanian crowns.  Jubb won a close battle against North Launceston pair Monbo Jetoh and Jo Lowe, to win in 11.19.  Chapman’s winning time was 12.51sec ahead of Danielle Taylor and Mel Street.



Sam Ferguson won his first state title in the men’s 1500m ahead of Josh Harris in a very tactical race.  His time of 4.01min was not fast, but it was a tactical race in which times meant little. 


Mel Daniels took out the women’s event with 4.40 and she will now look towards the Australian Championships later this month in Brisbane for the event.


Impressive also today was Jarred Gilroy of Sandy Bay who took out the race with the most entrants for the weekend, the men's under 18 100m.  Gilroy set a massive new personal best of 11.43sec to win, only 1/100th ahead of Robert Blair from North Launceston and Tom Graves of OVA.