Tough training in Coles Bay

03 Jun 2008

Day 3 of camp at Coles Bay brought conditions never seen before on an AT/TIS Development Squad camp - rain.

Athletes commpleted a two phase test with theTIS sports science staff in the morning, which concluded that when doing cross country and road races, athletes should push hard on down hills.  The afternoon session was Mona Farlek (2 x 90sec efforts, 4 x 60sec efforts, 4 x 30sec efforts, 4 x15sec efforts, with equal recovery - total run time, 20mins), held at Friendly Beaches.  The wet conditions saw all runners covered in mud at the conclusion, the best way to get rid of it, a dip in the cold ocean afterwards!

The art of ghosting has also been worked on in the down times of the camp, as seen previously on Rove Live.