Coles Bay - Distance Camp

02 Jun 2008

Some 20 distance runners are currently turning heads in Coles Bay, as the locals have never seen so many trim and enthusiastic young runners.

The athletes have so far completed a long run, 1600m time trial over hills as part of a TIS test, recovery jogs and of course standing in the water to aid the recovery process for the next run.

Runners have come from Burnie, St Helens, Launceston and Hobart and Athletics Australia's Distance Coach Tim O'Shaughnessy made the trip from Melbourne to the camp to spend time with Tasmania's next breed of distance runners.  "Its terrific to see so many young and enthusiastic distance runners, giving up their time to come and join the camp in an ideal setting for running," O'Shaughnessy said.

Some of the runners give their accounts of their highlights so far.

"Being in the TIS test was cool, because we got our finger pricked for the lactate test." - Freya Wilson.

"Everything, the long run on Sunday and Monday afternoon were good" - Sarah Browning.

"Meeting the young new athletes whom I haven't met before, has been the highlight for me.  Also learning new training methods will help with my own success" - Aaron Humphrey

"Running hard in the test was good, as you just ran as hard as you could to build up as much lactic as possible," - Doug Hamerlok.

The camp runs from Sunday to Wednesday and is being supported by Athletics Australia, Tasmanian Institute of Sport and Athletics Tasmania.