<14.06.2007> - AT/TIS Development Squad Distance Camp

11 Jun 2007

27 of Tasmania's best distance athletes have congregated in Coles Bay from all over the state for 4 days of intense training.

With the Cross Country season in full swing, Athletics Tasmania and the Tasmanian Institute of Sport have utilised the timing of the school holidays to further develop these emerging stars, providing them with knowledge and inspiration for upcoming Tasmanian and Australian Championships.

The bakery has also sold out of bread and the supermarket has been emptied of milk, fruit and vegetables as the athletes refuel for the rigorous training sessions that face them.

Sessions have included long runs, core strength exercises, stretching sessions, hill repetitions and easy runs.  A common sight in the small town has also been athletes soaking themselves in the freezing waters off the peninsula to aid in recovery for the inevitable next training session.

Camp organiers have implemented a 'no whinging' policy, which results in fines for attendees.  "The worst thing about the camp is that you can't complain", said Northern Suburbs athlete Phil McConnon.

AT board member Brendan Hanigan was guest speaker on the first night and showed highlights from his running career including a bronze medal at the World Junior Championships and Commonwealth Games.

Managers/Coaches on the camp include Peter Fortune, Anita Sansom, Richard Welsh, Mike Gunson and Jarrod Vos.