<06.06.07> - Tasmanian Officials recognised by Athletics Australia

06 Jun 2007




Twelve Tasmanians are to be recognised by their national body for their contribution to athletics.

Athletics Australia established its national Service Awards Scheme four years ago to acknowledge the service its volunteers make to the sport at grass roots level.

“The Scheme is a good way to recognise the great things our committed volunteers do for our sport,” AA Competitions Manager, David Gynther said from Melbourne.

“Athletics needs an enormous number of people to make it tick, from the clubs right through to national level. Without the people we are able to recognise through these awards, nothing would be possible.”

AT President, Brian Roe paid tribute to each of those recognised,

“The sport is indebted to them for the time and expertise they have each contributed over a long period, which for the group collectively totals more than 180 years.”

The twelve recipients in 2007 are:

Tony Bond (South)                                         Silver Award (20 years)

Michelle Casey (North/Riverside)                  Bronze Award (10 years)

John Cheney (North/North Launceston)        Silver Award

Rosemary Coleman (South/OVA)                  Bronze Award

Steve Lance (South/Masters)                          Silver Award

Terry Mahoney (South)                                   Gold Award (30 years)          

Peter McDonald (South/Eastern Suburbs)      Silver Award

Helen Moir (North/Western Suburbs) Silver Award

Jim Morgan  (South/Eastern Suburbs)            Bronze Award

Judith Phillips (North/Newstead Harriers)     Gold Award

Wendy Sheppard (South/Eastern Suburbs)    Bronze Award

Peter Turnock (South/Eastern Suburbs)          Bronze Award

The formal presentation of the awards will take place at the Athletics Tasmania Annual Awards Dinner in Launceston on Saturday, 21 July.

Launceston – 6 June 2007

Further information: Brian Roe                                                      0438 604 571