Hamstrings and Traffic Jams: Reducing the risk of injuries

14 Jul 2011

The training and performance demands of track and field athletics all too frequently results in high injury rates.

From recreational to high performance athletes, preventing injury has become a holy grail.

What can we do to reduce the risk of injury and can we effectively prevent injury at all?

Matt Lancaster worked as a physiotherapist with UK Athletics for a number of years and is currently one of Athletics Australia's leading physiotherapists.  Fortunately for us, Matt lives in Hobart and is taking time out to share his wisdom with Tasmanian athletics, before he attends the 2011 Daegu World Championships as part of the Australian team.

Matt will discuss the changing nature of injury prevention strategies and share his experiences managing athletes and surviving for nearly a decade on Britain's busiest motor ways.

On Wednesday July 27, Matt will give a free talk to coaches and athletes on this topic of injury prevention at the Domain Athletics Centre.  The talk will begin at 6pm.