Foster First Tasmanian to Go Sub Four Minute Mile

31 Jan 2011

Ryan Foster has become the first Tasmanian to break the four minute mile barrier.

Running for Penn State University at an invitational indoor meeting in Pennsylvania early this morning, Foster ran 3:58.49 to place third in the race, behind Cory Leslie and Jeff See.

Foster bettered the 37 year old mark previously held by Randal Markey of 4:00.9.

 “I’ve always been one of those people who held onto that magic 4minutes mile barrier.  I know all the stories of Roger Bannister and John Landy and it has always been one of the dreams that has kept me going,” Foster said immediately after his race.

Both Sandy Bay Harrier Club athletes were coached by the late Max Cherry.

“My coach (Max Cherry), rest in peace, I think he wanted that one more than anything, I think he will be pretty pleased,” said Foster, who sports a tattoo in memory of Max Cherry.

Running on a 200m indoor track, of which there are none in Australia, Foster got a dream run.  “When the gun went, I tried to get in that pole position, then we ran a nice steady pace and I tried to hold on and hold on, which I did,” he explained.

Since Foster moved to the US on scholarship in 2009, he has enjoyed a flurry of successes.  Last January he broke the Australian indoor 800m and 1000m records, along with eclipsing the World Championships B qualifier for 800m in 2009.

“I’m pretty happy.  People back home and particularly my family might not understand some of the things in the USA, like being an All American or competing at big ten titles, but a 4minute mile to all my family, will make them pretty excited,” Foster said.

Foster will return to Australia in April to attend the Australian Athletics Championships, where he will attempt to qualify for the World Championships in Athletes this year in Korea.