Round 1 of Statewide Interclub

14 Jan 2011

Athletics Interclub competition will get a serious boost tomorrow, with the first round of a new statewide series set to begin.

The previously successful competition has been in remission for several years and with a groundswell of new recruits to the sport, is set to be quite vibrant.

Tomorrow will see the first round commence at the St Leonards Athletics Track in Launceston.  The weekend will also include the Tasmanian Combined Events Championships and entries have been coming in from many of the states top performers.

Many of the states best distance runners will be lining up in the men’s 1500m, which is set to be a scorcher of a race, with depth not seen like it in Tasmania in well over a decade. 

Latrobe mile winner James Hanson, will be joined by Devonport mile winner Jerome Whitely and Burnie mile winner Doug Hamerlok.  All men will face off against state champion Sam Ferguson, state representatives Nathan Morey, Tom Beard, Dom Anastasio and reigning Tasmanian distance king Grant Page

Field competition is also likely to be a hit, with world youth qualifier Kaitlin Morgan out in search of more qualification performances.  Having already attained the high jump mark twice this season, last weekend she came within 14cm of the triple jump mark for the championships in France this year and the 16 year old will be hoping to become double qualified after tomorrows competition. 

Competition runs from 1:30pm – 5pm tomorrow (Saturday January 15) at St Leonards, with the men’s 1500m scheduled for 2:30pm. 

The series then continues in Hobart on February 5, then Penguin on February 13.