St Helens Development Camp

05 Jan 2011

January sees the annual running of the St Helens Carnival which means Athletics Tasmania with assistance from the TIS andthe St Helens Community take a group of teenage athletes to the coast to help them prepare for the second half of the season.

A group varying between 20 to 30 athletes make the journey to be a part of the four fun filled evenings and five hard fought days on the beah in the water and through the hills.

Athletes will travel to St helens on Friday the 21st competing in the carnival on Saturday 22nd before joining the organising committee and other athletes for a bbq tea. Sunday/Monday will see a visit to the beach and the sand dunes for hard hit out before recovering in the ocean waters. Tuesday will see the athletes journey back to there respective home towns but not before one last training run to cap the five days off.

For further details athletes can contact Simon Bennett on



Attachment:  St Helens Camp Forms