Tassie's Toughest

30 Aug 2010

Development squad Profile 1

Kale Adams

Kale is a 14 year old boy from the North West of Tasmania attending Ulverstone High. Athletics Tasmania's fondest memory of Kale would be the Coles Bay camp where he was given the nickname the Toughest man in Tassie after his day of pain completing 700 ab reps in one day as only a 13 year old. Kale takes that toughness on to the track when he races pushing himself to the limit in his search for Gold.


Kale Adams



Age turning in 2010



North West Athletic Club


2000m Steeple Chase and 3000m

Who is your favourite athlete?

Don't have one yet

Which athlete would you most like to meet?


Who has been the biggest influence on your career?

1. My coach Mike Gunson for training me to perform at my best.

2. My primary school teacher Phil Wallace for encouraging running at my school and getting me to enter the All Schools Cross Country at Symmons Plains in Grade 5.

What is your most memorable athletic moment?

Winning gold in the U15 2000m Steeple Chase at Nationals last March

Can you share your ambitions in athletics with us?

To perform to the best of my ability, improve my 3000m time and win another gold medal in steeple

Best advice ever received and from who?

Run tall, if you feel yourself falling forward get yourself back up - Mike Gunson

Other interests/Sports

Playing the saxophone, guitar and basketball

Who is your biggest rival that you are always trying to beat?

Different people, depending on the race

What would you change about athletics if you had the power?

Don't know

Which athlete from the 2010 Development Squad is most likely to make the Olympics?

Jacob Birtwhistle

How would you spend your last $5