21 Apr 2010

The Athletics Australia Athlete of the year awards night was held at Scarborough, Perth and saw one of our very own acknowledged for his achievements in athletics within Australia.

 Whilst athletes such as Steve Hooker and Dani Samuels stole the show winning the athlete of the year awards it was our very own Evan Peacock who received the Athletics Australia Junior Coach of the year award for his development and work with the young throwers under his command.

 Evan has managed to create one of the best standards for a junior training group in Australia, his work has propelled several young athletes to be recognised nationally and internationally in multiple throwing events.

 Evan is the coach of both sons Hamish and Hue Peacock who are constantly re-writing the record books with outstanding performances time after time.

 Evan was recognised for his work with athletes in the youth category during the past 12 months. These athletes include, Hue who has also represented Australia at the World Youths in Italy in 2009 in the Hammer Throw he has also won many national titles along the way with various state records to his name. 

 Danielle McConnell National record holder for her age and U17 national squad member.

 Mikayla Genge Tasmanian record holder and National gold medallist.

 Evan's training group is one of the hardest working of its kind they are a close knit group who work tirelessly on bettering their performances and helping each other improve.

 Evan has produced many successful athletes and helped other coaches improve their coaching and mentoring ability. He shows willingness to learn and develop new ways to get the best out of his athletes and his first priority is to help his athletes learn with him.

While Evan wasn't acknowledged for Hamish's achievements on this occasion here is what he has produced in the past.

Representing Australia at both the world Youths in 2007 And World Juniors in 2008 in Javelin. Hamish won a silver medal at the World Youths.

On behalf of the athletics Community congratulations Evan on your award, we hope to see similar results next season from all the athletes.