<28.10.06> Media Release - Tasmanian Schools Athletics Games - Hobart 4 and 5 November 2006

28 Oct 2006

Athletics Tasmania

Governing Body for Track and Field in Tasmania









The Tasmanian Schools Athletics Games will be held at the Domain Athletic Centre in Hobart on Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 November 2006.

The Games offer competition in the full range of track and field events in four age groups – under 14, under 15, under 16 and under 18. Entry in the Games is open to any athlete born in 1989 through to 1994, from any school.

“This is the one track and field competition each year when age eligible athletes from all schools, government and independent, from all parts of the State can compete together,” AT President Brian Roe said.

“What we also like to emphasise is that this competition is very much about participation. It is not just for athletes who do athletics within the club system.

“We encourage athletes of all levels of ability to take part,” Mr Roe said

The Games incorporate the Tasmanian All Schools Athletics Championships as well as the selection trials for the Australian All Schools and Youth Championships, which will be held in Sydney in early December.

The entry fee of $18 provides entry in up to five different events as well as gate admission on both days.

Entries close on Tuesday 31 October and can be made on line at www.tasathletics.org.au or by contacting the AT Office in Hobart.

Launceston – 28 October 2006

Further information: Brian Roe                                                      0438 604 571