AWARDS 2013/2014

The 2013-2014 Quiet Achiever Award was Rachel Duggan (Under 10). This award is donated by Cheryle and Tony Williams, Cheryle’s Coffee Blitz, and includes payment of the next season’s registration fees. Cheryle and Tony’s association with Little Athletics goes back many years to when their own children participated.

The 2013-2014 Club Personal Best Champion was Henry Hawkins (Under 13). This award trophy is donated by Nicole Robinson.

Aggregate Award winners were:

Under 6 – Hunter Adams and Ryley Munro

Under 7 – Mattea Hollis

Under 8 – Trinity Hollis and Adam Hood

Under 9 – Edwina Lees and Rory Caldow

Under 10 – Isabella Hawkins and Charley Falla –Jones

Under 11 – Georgia Baxter

Under 12 – Penelope Lees and Jeremy Todd

Under 13 – Henry Hawkins

Personal Best winners were:

Under 6 – Isabel Payne

Under 7 – Sienna Bull

Under 8 – Molly Payne

Under 9 – Thomas Barnes

Under 10 – Imogen Hollis

Under 11 – Clementine Lees

Under 12 – Angus Caldow

Under 13 – Jacob Duggan