Woden town centre cordon count

The map shows the cordon and the 20 count locations.
Count location details are given below the map

Woden count sites locations map

Click here to download Woden cordon site map (PDF) for printing (PDF)

Click on the count location designation below to see that count location's details and counting instructions
in PDF file suitable for printing (100 to 200 kB)

W01 W02 W02a W03 W04 W05 W06 W07 W08 W09 W10
W11 W12 W13 W14 W15 W16 W17 W18 W19    

Total count sites = 20

Woden cordon count data collectors are to print out and take to their count sites:

1. Count location's details and counting instructions (above) for their cordon count location

2. Civic cordon site map – to give an overall view of the cordon count and to locate each count location

3. Data collection

    • 7 am  to 10 am - morning count session
    • 4 pm to 7 pm - evening count session

4. Count data collection procedures


Last modified JW 12 February 2018Go to top