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South East Regional Academy of Sport (SERAS)

SERAS provides scholarships to selected NSW Snowsports athletes in alpine, cross country, freestyle and snowboarding.

The SERAS program includes three residential weekend camps at the Australian Institute of Sport. These involve strength and fitness benchmarking, conditioning sessions and educational components covering nutrition, goal setting, injury prevention, media skills, time management and drugs in sport.

The NSW SERAS Alpine Scholarhips holders for 2012 are Daniel O'Sullivan and Montana Byers.

The 2013 SERAS Scholarship Applications are now closed

Kurt Lance Scholarhip Fund

The object of the Kurt Lance Scholarship Fund is assist potentially elite NSW Alpine ski racers in the age group of J2 and above, who are currently performing at a high level, but who do not qualify for financial support or scholarships from OWI, NSWIS, SSA or any other similar organisation.

Scholarhship applications must be submitted to NSW Alpine at on the official application form and are considered annually in November. The scholarship offered by the fund will provide the successful athlete with financial assistance with costs associated with training, racing or equipment.

Scholarships are awarded at the discretion of the Kurt Lance Scholarship Fund Committee.