Code of Conduct Junior Representative Players

1. Introduction

All players who are members of Representative Sides selected by the Zone are expected to behave in an appropriate manner whilst playing in or in attendance at the event.

Disciplinary action may be taken against any player who behaves in an inappropriate manner. This may include immediate removal from the event and/or further disciplinary action as provided for in the Constitutions of the Zone and State Associations.

2. Junior Players are expected to:

2.1 Dress appropriately, both on and off the green.

2.2 Be punctual – be where you need to be on time.

2.3 Play as a team – be supportive and encouraging to your team mates.

2.4 Co-operate with your Side Manager and team mates.

2.5 Play by the rules and conditions of the competition.

2.6 Be a ‘good sport’.

2.7 Comply with the requests of the Side Manager.

2.8 Comply with the entry requirements and rules of the Club at which the Event is held.

2.9 Be friendly to all participants.

2.10 Present a good image of themselves and the Zone.

2.11 Behave appropriately in motel accommodation (consider other guests of the motel).

2.12 Stay with the Side under the Supervision of the Side Manager when not playing (when staying in motel accommodation for a series).

2.13 Meet all costs not normally incurred by the Zone.

3. Junior Players must not

3.1 Drink alcohol.

3.2 Smoke.

3.3 Take any drugs that have not been prescribed for them.

3.4 Not engage in the use of any illegal or banned substances during the event

3.5 Enter licensed premises unless under the supervision of Side Officials

3.6 Argue with an umpire’s decision

3.7 Leave the Side’s accommodation without the permission of the Side Manager

3.8 Enter the room of another player without the permission of the Side Manager.

3.9 Engage in any harassment, discrimination, vilification or other conduct liable to bring the Zone and or the sport of lawn bowls into disrepute.

3.10 Engage in any violent or threatening behaviour.

3.11 Use foul or abusive language

4. Core Values


Zone Fourteen have developed core values in our working environment that set the standard and tone for our interactions internally and externally.

  • We will strive for excellence and maximise our performance.
  • We will be cooperative and work as a team
  • We will be leaders in our field.
  • We will listen and communicate openly.
  • We will accept full accountability for decisions and actions.
  • We value the well being and diversity of our people.
  • We treat each other with dignity and respect.
  • We will create inclusive opportunities for involvement.

5. General Code of Conduct


  • Give your best at all times.
  • Participate for your own enjoyment and benefit.
  • Do not tolerate harmful or abusive behaviours. Adopt appropriate and responsible behaviour in all interactions.
  • Act with integrity and objectivity and accept responsibility for your decisions and actions.
  • Ensure your decisions and actions contribute to a safe environment free from harassment.
  • Support and encourage people to participate in all aspects of sport.
  • Treat each person as an individual.
  • Display control and courtesy to all involved in our sport.
  • Respect the rights and worth of every person regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
  • Wherever possible, avoid unaccompanied and unobserved one-on-one activity (when being supervised or where a power imbalance will exist).
  • Encourage and support opportunities for people to learn appropriate new behaviours and skills.
  • Help each person reach their potential, respect the talent, developmental stage and goals of each person and compliment and encourage with positive and supportive feedback.

 To download/save/print copy of code click here