Training Sessions

General Training Tips - by Lisa Corrigan

  • ALWAYS stretch after a session and recover properly – eat some food including protein within 15 minutes after your workout. 
  • LISTEN to your body. If you are sore or tired, modify the workout or have a rest day. 
  • ALTER the training days to suit your week – swap the days in the program around but keep to the principle of ‘hard/easy’ - do not do 2 hard days in a row! 
  • MIX up the terrain you run on; use grass, gravel roads, bush trails and bitumen. Try and avoid concrete. 
Below are some feature "Fav" 10k training session from Several successful runners and coaches. Feel free to incorporate some of these into your preparation. 

The 3 minute session - by Scott Westcott

Venue: Any even grass or trail surface where an 700m - 1km loop is possible. 

Description: Complete a typical warm up of jogging, light stretches and some light 60-80m strides getting up to your 5k race pace. The session very simple: complete 6-8 X hard efforts of 3 minutes duration with 1 minute rest. The pace is dictated by your fitness level but should be quicker than your intented 10k pace and not as fast as your 5k PB pace.


  • Challenge yourself with distance. how far can I get to each rep from the same starting point. If you are doing an 'out 3min' then 'back 3min' see if you can get back to your start point from your previous finish point.
  • You can also vary the recovery to 90secs or even 2 minutes. This will affect how fast you can push the efforts.

How often: I would do this session once a fortnight leading into most of my races. It is a terrific way to build up your aerobic capacity and is specific to 10k performance. 

Have fun with this one. It's not a secret, many of Aussie's best runners use it throughout the year. 
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