NSW Snowsports Enews 48 - 12th July 2013

In this Issue:

  • Amelia McGuiness Time Trial Now Open! - Wednesday 21st of August, Perisher
  • NSW/QLD Interschools Championships
  • 2013 NSWACT Alpine Rising Stars Awards
  • Events for NSW Interschools XC Skiers
  • Road to 2014 Winter Olympics
  • Fast and Female XC Ski Clinic
  • NSW Biathlon Come Try Day - Laser Biathlon Relays
  • NSWACT Alpine State Teams Annouced
  • The Layne Beachley 'Aim for the Stars' Foundation - Applications Now Open! 
  • Apply now for a Local Sporting Championships Grants

Amelia McGuiness Time Trial - Wednesday 21st of August, Perisher

The Amelia McGuiness Time Trial is a great opportunity to practice your racing technique, to have fun with your family, or to experience what racing is all about.

This year the AMASDF committee have introduced Skier Cross and Snowboard Cross as part of the Amelia McGuiness Memorial Time Trial. Competitors can choose to compete in Alpine/Snowboard GS or Skier Cross/Snowboard Cross or both! The event is open to everyone.

Join in the fun and support a great cause!

Click Here to Register for the Amelia McGuiness Time Trial!

NSW/QLD Interschools Championships

NSW Interschools Snowsports organised a very success regional NSW championships with the most entries we have ever received.

Entries into the Travelplan Ski Northern NSW & QLD Championships at Perisher grew by 9% from 1767 entries in 2012 to 1928 entries this year with 890 school students competing from 148 schools. Alpine and Skier Cross continues to be the more popular events with steady growth in the snowboarding events.

Thredbo hosted the Travelplan Ski Sydney Championships with 2098 entries from 938 school students from 35 schools. This was a 10% increase in entries, up from 1904 in 2012. Moguls entries saw the biggest growth.

The inaugural Queensland Interschools Snowsports Championships were held in late June in Perisher. 12 Queensland schools competed in both the Alpine and Snowboard GS. We look forward to seeing this event grow in the future.


2013 NSWACT Alpine Rising Stars Awards 

NSWACT Alpine, Perisher Winter Sports Club and Thredbo Ski Racing Club have combined again this season to offer this exciting Award to talented Interschool racers without previous race club experience.

9 Alpine racers from Division 3, 4 or 5 across the Sydney, Northern or Southern/ACT regions will be selected for this year’s Alpine Rising Stars


Events for NSW Interschools XC Skiers

Thinking about the podium at NSW State Interschools this season? NSW X-Country has put together a list of XC races in Perisher suited to Interschools XC skiers to enter for practice and to develop their technique before State Interschools Cross Country on 20th August 2013.

Upcoming this weekend is the NSW and ACT State Freestyle and Classic races, handy for Interschools skiers to practise their Classic technique in preparation for the Classic race at Nationals Interschools  in Buller. Other Classic races have a (C ) next to the event.


Road to 2014 Winter Olympics 

By Steve Cooper, NSW Interschools Snowsports / NSW Snowsports & SSA Board Director.

Over the past 25 years, thousands of students have been introduced to ski and snowboard competitions through the Interschools Snowsports Championships.

Many athletes have gone from competing for their school, to competing for Australia, and we have seen at least 20 Olympians begin their competition days in NSW/ACT Interschools Snowsports Championships.

With the Sochi Winter Olympics now less than 8 months away, we look forward to cheering on the athletes that started their racing career in Interschools.It is remarkable that at least 44 members of the Shadow Australian Winter Olympic Team began their snowsports competition careers representing their schools in Interschools Snowsports competitions.


Fast and Female XC Ski Clinic 

Fast and Female is an event especially targeted at girls between 9-19yrs to learn more about and get more involved in XC Skiing.

The Fast and Female Ski Clinic will be held at the Perisher XC Trails on Saturday 3rd August.


NSW Biathlon Come Try Day - Laser Biathlon Relays

NSW Biathlon will be holding a Come and Try Biathlon day followed by laser biathlon relay races for all to participate in on Sunday 4th August commencing at 1pm.

Why not come and have a try of the exciting Snowsports discipline of Biathlon which is one of the biggest and most exciting winter sports in Europe.  For more information on Biathlon in NSW visit the NSW Biathlon website www.nswbiathlon.com.au and click here to find out more about the NSW Biathlon day on 4 August.

Click here to download the entry form

NSWACT Alpine State Teams Announced 

NSWACT Alpine  have announced the NSWACT Alpine Teams for 2013.

Congratulations to the following athletes who have been selected in the 2013 NSWACT Alpine Teams.


The Layne Beachley 'Aim for the Stars' Foundation - Applications Now Open!

Layne Beachley and her Aim for the Stars Foundation, is inviting all Australian females aged 12 – 26 years who need funding to achieve goals in their sporting, academic, community, business, environmental or cultural pursuits to complete their applications online.
Any hard-working female who is committed to pursuing her passion and needs financial support deserves a helping hand and should apply for an Aim for the Stars 2014 grant by 15th November 2013.


Apply now for a Local Sporting Championships Grant

Are you, or do you know, a dedicated young athlete, coach or official participating in a state, national or international sporting championships?

Are you aged 12-18 years old travelling further than 125km to your event for a state, national or international championships?

If yes, then you or your team could be eligible for an Australian Government Local Sporting Champions grant to help meet costs such as uniforms, travel, accommodation and equipment.

Grants of $500 per individual and $3,000 per team are available for young people participating in the following:

  • nominated National Sporting Organisation endorsed state or national sporting championships
  • School Sport Australia state or national championships
  • international competitions where the applicant is participating in the official Australian team

Please click here for further information